1 “The birds have their nests,” the blessed Master said,
“The Son of Man has not the where to lay His head;
How rich then am I in Him who will provide,
Whose show’rs of blessing daily on my soul are shed.
All things are mine, I have riches untold,
The cattle on a thousand hills, the silver and the gold;
He who is my Elder Brother
Owns it all, and not another,
Thro’ whom I’ve riches in glory.
2 Tho’ wealth I have none, I’m rich beyond compare,
For He who holds the planets in His mighty hand
Has called me His son and for my ev’ry need
Now holds the wealth of all the world at His command. [Refrain]
3 Then take all from me of earthly wealth or fame,
You cannot take my share in His atoning blood,
And out of the depths of poverty and woe,
My soul shall know the riches of a son of God. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Gems Number 1 : One Hundred Eighty Sacred Selections for Religious Meetings #33