1 The best and sweetest chapter
That ever I have read,
Reminds me how the Savior
Laid on the children’s head
His holy hands in blessing;
And let them come, says he,
Because of such dear children,
Shall heaven’s kingdom be.
For Jesus loved the children,
When he was here below;
He loved them, and he blessed them,
And he called them long ago.
2 Whene’er I read that story,
And think of Jesus Christ,
Whose blood for all our errors
And all our sins sufficed,
My heart is full of gladness,
Because I know that he
Still loves the little children,
And so he loveth me. [Refrain]
3 Dear Jesus, may I ever
Be kept a child of thine,
And walking in thy footsteps,
At last make heaven mine;
And may that blessed story
Be ever dear to me,
That tells us how you love us,
And bade us come to thee. [Refrain]
Source: Pearls of Praise #46