1 Tenderly God watches o’er us,
Ever present, ever nigh;
He hath promised, He will keep us
As the apple of His eye.
He will keep up, God will keep us,
As the apple of His eye;
God will keep us, safely keep us,
Keep us as the apple of His eye.
2 More than mother’s love for children,
More than any earthly tie;
Is His promise He will keep us
As the apple of His eye. [Refrain]
3 Deeper than the mighty ocean,
Higher than the heavens high,
Is the promise God will keep us
As the apple of His eye. [Refrain]
4 Cans’t thou slight the loving Savior,
Who on Calvary’s cross did die,
And who promised He would keep us
As the apple of His eye. [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #44