1 Ten lepers were cleansed, but only one
Returned to give God glory;
O, where are the nine, ungrateful nine?
One only tells the story.
Ye whose sins have been forgiven,
Glorify the Lord;
Jesus is the great Physician,
Praise his holy name.
2 The world was redeemed, but O how few
Accept the great salvation!
Unmindful of Him who died to save
Each tribe, and tongue, and nation. [Chorus]
3 If you have been healed and purified,
Tell others the glad story;
Remember 'tis sin not to return
And give to God the glory. [Chorus]
4 Be not like the nine, be like the one,
Ye who from Christ still tarry;
There's pardon for you, O, come today!
Christ will your burden carry. [Chorus]
Source: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship #1236