1 Tell what the Lord has done for you,
Speak just a word, speak just a word;
Stand for the right, be brave and true,
Speak just a word for Jesus.
Speak just a word, speak just a word,
Gladly His love proclaim;
Tell what the Lord has done for you,
Speak just a word for Jesus.
2 Early begin to bear the cross,
Speak just a word, speak just a word;
They who deny Him suffer loss,
Speak just a word for Jesus. [Refrain]
3 Tell if the Lord has cleansed your sin,
Speak just a word, speak just a word;
It may to Him some others win,
Speak just a word for Jesus. [Refrain]
4 Fear not the world, nor heed its frown,
Speak just a word, speak just a word;
They who endure shall wear the crown,
Speak just a word for Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: Best Hymns No. 4 #98