1 Tell out the wonderful story,
Tell it where’er you go;
Tell of the King and his glory,
Tell how he loved us so.
This is the story most precious,
Jesus has died to redeem us;
You can tell out the sweet story,
You, yes, you.
You can tell out the sweet story,
You, yes, you.
Somebody’s life will be brighter,
Somebody’s care will be lighter;
You can tell out the sweet story,
You, yes, you.
2 Never a story so wondrous,
Tell it to all around;
While we were sinners he loved us,
Mercy and grace abound.
Wandering and weary he sought us,
Back to the Father he brought us;
You can tell out the sweet story,
You, yes, you.
3 Wonderful story of Jesus,
Tell every sin-sick soul;
Wonderful message of mercy,
Jesus can make them whole.
Still flows the wonderful river,
From every sin to deliver;
You can tell out the sweet story,
You, yes, you.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #384