1 Tell me, ye happy, happy few,
What is the theme that suits you best?
Do you advert to native worth,
Or build your hopes on duties past?
2 If you are blind, and poor, and lost,
Speak ye of light, and joy, and peace?
"O yes (methinks you all reply)
"Sinners alone will bow to grace."
3 Christ is the theme, the only theme,
Of all the ransom'd heirs of God;
His life alone the law fulfill'd,
And saints were purchas'd with his blood.
4 How sweet the moments glide away
When Jesus deigns to be a guest;
When humble souls their joys reveal,
And lean, enraptur'd, on his breast.
5 Like drops of water, pure and free,
We mingle all our joys and fears;
The gloom of conscious guilt recedes,
And hope looks smiling through our tears.
Source: Society hymns, original and selected on evangelical and experimental subjects #VI