1 Tell me once more about Jesus,
I’m weary and worn tonight,
The day has been dark and stormy,
But ev’ning has bro’t the light.
Light with a radiant glory
That lingers along the west;
Yet still I am faint and weary,
And long like a child for rest.
Tell me once more about Jesus,
His love is a healing balm,
My heart that was bruised and broken,
Grows patient and strong and calm.
2 Tell me once more about Jesus,
So willing and strong to save,
His tender and sweet compassion,
The cruelest wrongs forgave.
Tell me once more for I’m weary
Of falsehood and sin and strife,
The errors that walk at noonday,
And all of the ills of life. [Refrain]
3 Tell me once more about Jesus,
Till courage and hope return,
Till out of my care and sorrow,
New lessons of faith I learn.
Tell me once more about Jesus;
Then strong in His boundless love,
I’ll win from the world’s allurements
Some souls for the home above. [Refrain]
Source: The Chorus of Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Meetings, Revivals, Prayer Meetings, and All the Social Services of the Church #32