1. Teaching in the synagogue,
With sacred scroll unfurled,
See this Son of Nazareth
Now preaching to the world.
News had spread of his renown,
And thus he spoke on Sabbath day,
Reading from Isaiah's script,
Fulfilled in what he'd say:
2. "Take forgiveness to the poor,
And sin shall thence depart;
By my balm, the sickness cure,
Bind up the broken hearts;
By my salve of gospel grace,
The eyes anoint, the sight restore;
In my mercy's arms embrace,
Then go and sin no more."
3. Speak, divine Interpreter,
Your own prophetic word;
All my list'ning soul shall hear
And hang upon its Lord.
Fix my eye of faith on you,
From whom it never shall remove,
Till your glorious face I see
And hear your voice above.
4. Be it, Lord, in me fulfilled
On this momentous day;
By your blood-bought pardon sealed,
Pray, take my sins away.
In paths of righteousness
Teach by th'anointing from above;
Save me, Jesus, through your grace
And rule me by your love.