1 Teach me, O God, that I may know,
Who sorrow hath and who hath woe,
They linger long about the vine,
And drink to shame in lusty wine.
Touch not the wine, touch not the wine,
Help me, O Christ, Thou Master mine,
Lest I should fall and fail of Thee,
From love of wine keep Thou me free.
2 Look not on wine, when it is red,
Its flush doth hide the adder’s head;
When in the cup it moves aright,
There lingers still the serpent’s bite. [Refrain]
3 Astray I walk, be Thou my guide,
Temptation throngs on ev’ry side,
And when it lurks within the bowl,
Alike it stings both heart and soul. [Refrain]
4 For who hath sorrow, who hath woe?
Teach me, O God, that I may know;
They linger long about the vine,
And drink to shame in lusty wine. [Refrain]
Source: Consecrated Hymns #154