1 Take the bread, children, take the bread,
Take the bread, children, take the bread,
For the Father of us all
Is the One who gives the call,
Take the bread, children, take the bread.
2 Bless the bread, children, bless the bread,
Bless the bread, children, bless the bread,
For the blessing of the Lord
Comes in bread and in the Word,
Bless the bread, children, bless the bread.
3 Break the bread, children, break the bread,
Break the bread, children, break the bread,
For the breaking is the sign
All is mine and all is thine,
Break the bread, children, break the bread.
4 Give the bread, children, give the bread,
Give the bread, children, give the bread,
For the gift of mother earth
Is the sign of daily birth,
Give the bread, children, give the bread.
5 Eat the bread, children, eat the bread,
Eat the bread, children, eat the bread,
For the table of the Lord
Is the way you take the Word,
Eat the bread, children, eat the bread.
Source: RitualSong: a hymnal and service book for Roman Catholics #925