1 Take my heart, O Father, take it!
Make and keep it all Thine own;
Let Thy Spirit melt and break it,
This proud heart of sin and stone.
2 Father, make it pure and lowly,
Fond of peace and far from strife;
Turning from the paths unholy,
Of this vain and sinful life.
3 Ever let Thy race surround me,
Strengthen me with pow'r divine;
By Thy cords of love that bound me,
Make me to be wholly Thine.
4 May the blood of Jesus heal me,
And my sins be all forgiv'n;
Holy Spirit, take and seal me,
Guide me in the path to heav'n.
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #170
Take my heart, O Father, take it.
[Holiness Desired.] This hymn was given anonymously in Dr. C. A. Bartol’s Hymns for the Sanctuary, commonly known as the West Boston Unitarian Collection, 1849, No. 290, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. This was repeated in the Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858; the Laudes Domini, 1884, and other American hymnbooks. Another form of the text is "Take my heart, O Father, mould it," in 3 stanzas. It appeared in the Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, 1861. This is altered from the former. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.]--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
This hymn, doubtless of New England Unitarian origin, is in C. A. Bartol's Hymns for the Sanctuary, 1849, and is Anon., also in Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, where it begins, "Take my heart, 0 Father! mould it." -- Samuel Duffield, English Hymns: Their Authors and History (1886)
Sometimes attributed to Charles Wesley, but not found in any of his published works or manuscripts (Website of The Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition, Duke Divinity School).