1 Swing open thy gates, O Jerusalem,
For our Savior’s blood has been shed!
The promise lies yet in the future years,
When we all shall rise from the dead!
Swing open the beautiful gates of Heav’n,
The gates by the crystal sea!
Swing open the beautiful gates of Heav’n!
Swing open the gates for me!
2 Swing open the gates of the pearly hue,
The Savior is waiting within,
To welcome the homecoming throng of earth,
Who have been redeemed from all sin! [Refrain]
3 Swing open thy gates, city beautiful,
With thy wondrous pavements of gold!
The loved ones thou hast
With their foreheads crowned,
And their forms we long to behold. [Refrain]
4 Swing open thy gates, O Jerusalem,
For the Savior’s blood has been shed!
The promise lies yet in the future years,
When we all shall rise from the dead! [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9137