1 Swiftly the shades of evening gather around thy way;
Fast is the sun declining, ending thy earthly day;
Dark, dark, ever descending has thy pathway been;
Sad, sad, sad is the ending of thy life of sin.
Refrain 1-3:
Dark thy future doth appear.
2 Swiftly the moments flying, hasten thy coming doom;
Specters of woe and torment upward before thee loom;
Down, down, deeper and deeper, sinking into night,
Far, far, left in the distance, is thy guiding light. [Refrain]
3 Swiftly thy steps now bear thee far from the holy way;
Thoughtless, from God and heaven thou dost each moment stray;
Near, near, swiftly approaching, is the day of wrath;
Sure, sure, straight to destruction leads thy sinful path. [Refrain]
4 Swiftly thy death is nearing, closer it comes each day,
Soon will its icy fingers banish thy life away;
Turn, turn, mercy is waiting, calling earnestly;
Come, come, Jesus is pleading, He is seeking thee.
Refrain 4:
Christ, thy Savior, now is near.
Source: Timeless Truths #1047