1 Sweetly today the Saviour calls to thee,
Salvation fully purchased now by me,
Now come, O come! poor sinner, come and live,
Poor sinner, come and live.
2 Throughout thy life I watched thy way with care,
Ev’ry dread sorrow ready then to share;
Now come, O come! poor sinner, come and live,
Poor sinner, come and live.
3 But in thy heart thou oft neglected me,
My hot tears falling, falling all for thee;
Now come, O come! poor sinner, come and live,
Poor sinner, come and live.
4 Thou must be faint o’er this unequal strife;
Nothing to help thee, naught to fill thy life;
Now come, O come! poor sinner, come and live!
5 Stay not, stay not! thy times are passing on,
Soon the blest offer may be justly drawn;
Now come, O come! poor sinner, come and live!
6 Today, today, O, take thy gracious Lord,
For the rich promise of His blessed word!
Now come, O come! poor sinner, come and live!
7 Sweetly today the Saviour calls to thee;
Salvation fully purchased now by Me,
Now come, O come! poor sinner, come and live!
Source: Crowning Day No. 3 #39