1 Sweetly to my soul o'erburdened,
As the future, far, I see,
When I shrink, how blest th' assurance,
'As thy days, thy strength shall be.'
'As thy days.' Are they of sorrow,
Darkened by affliction's pall?
Fear thou not, for as thou goest
Strength is given thee for all.
Oh despair not, falt'ring Christian,
Tho' thy pathway dark may be;
Trust in Him who leads thee ever,
"As thy days thy strength shall be."
2 'As thy days' The toils and labors,
Of the years that are to be,
Are not greater than the measure
Of the strength that's given thee.
Girded in thine holy armor,
Boldly press to victory,
Whatsoe'er in time awaits thee.
'As thy days, thy strength shall be.'
Oh despair not, falt'ring Christian,
Tho' thy pathway dark may be;
Trust in Him who leads thee ever,
"As thy days thy strength shall be."
Source: Joyful Songs: a choice collection of new Sunday School music #66