1 Sweetest word of Jesus,
To the troubled heart,
Soothing care and sorrow,
Making fear depart;
Like a benediction,
Bidding turmoil cease,
Comes the Saviour’s blessed word,
“Peace, I give you peace.”
Word of words the sweetest,
‘Twas the angels’ strain,
When the heavn’ly chorus
Sang o’er Bethlehem’s plain.
Peace on earth from heaven,
May it e’er increase,
Till all hearts shall own its sway,
Peace, most blessed peace.
2 On the cross of Calv’ry,
Peace for us was made;
For a world’s redemption,
Great the price He paid.
Now from Satan’s bondage,
Giving glad release,
Comes the Saviour’s blessed word,
“Peace, I give you peace.” [Refrain]
3 Hear the blessed message,
Do not slight His call,—
While the Saviour offers
Pardon free to all.
Speed the good news ever,
Let it never cease,
Till all hearts shall hear the word,
“Peace, I give you peace.” [Refrain]
Source: The Praise Book: for Young People's Societies, Church Prayer Meetings and Sunday Schools #268