1 Sweet 'tis to sing of Thee,
Jesus, our heav'nly Friend;
Praising Thy love so free,
Jesus, our Friend.
O for a heart to praise,
Through all our earthly days,
Thy wondrous works and ways,
Jesus, our Friend.
2 Tender and patient Thou,
Jesus, our heav'nly Friend;
To Thy dear love we bow,
Jesus, our Friend.
O in Thy Spirit pure,
May we our ills endure,
Trusting Thy promise sure,
Jesus, our Friend.
3 Ever be near our side,
Jesus, our heav'nly Friend;
Our Shepherd and our Guide,
Jesus, our Friend.
That we through all our days
May gladly sing and praise
Thy wondrous works and ways,
Jesus, our Friend.
Source: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal: with music #502