1 Sweet flowers are blooming in God’s sight,
Created by His word,
Beneath His heav’n of sunny light,
By spring’s quick pulses stirred.
2 Through sky blue depths the larks do sing:
Their music fills the air;
What is it makes their voices ring
With gladness everywhere?
3 It is the love of God, I know,
His world with joy doth fill;
His birds that sing, His flowers that blow,
Each of them does His will.
4 If He is glad when small birds sing,
And flowers drink the dew,
Can I, His child, do anything
To bring Him service too?
5 I am not wise, nor great, nor strong,
But I His will may do;
May love and serve Him all day long,
Be innocent and true.
6 And if to birds and flowers His smile
Of love and joy be giv’n,
His child shall serve Him all the while,
And find that love is Heav’n.