1 Sweet are the Christmas tidings
Sounding o’er hill and plain!
Hark, how the heav’nly heralds
Echo the glad refrain!
“Glory to God in the highest!
Peace on the earth for aye,”
List to the mighty anthem,
Sounding from Christmas sky:
“Glory to God in the highest!”
Mortals, to you is given,
Jesus, the promised Saviour,
Hail Him, O earth and heaven.
2 Louder the Christmas tidings
Swell thro’ the ages long;
Echoing and re-echoing,
Peals out the grand old song!
Glory to God in the highest!
Earth, ‘tis your promised King!
Bow with the Kings before Him,
Join while the angels sing: [Refrain]
3 Echo the Christmas tidings
Thro’ all the world around!
Peace to the earth is given,
“Peace,” hear the welcome sound!
Stars in the sky softly shining,
Welcome that bright new star!
Guiding the world to Jesus,
Wise men from near and far. [Refrain]
Source: The Praise Book: for Young People's Societies, Church Prayer Meetings and Sunday Schools #237