1 Sure thy name is Wonderful
Counsellor, the mighty God,
Whom the Heav'nly hosts adore,
Praise we thro' the earth abroad.
2 Thou the Godhead bearing down,
To the sight of mortal man,
Flesh in form, and God in pow'r,
Suited art to all thy plan.
3 Center'd in thy lovely face,
Judgement, mercy, both appear;
All the Father's honour meets,
All his glory triumphs here.
4 Wonderfully form'd to raise,
Adam's fallen, helpless race,
Form'd to purchase and secure,
For thy people, boundless Grace.
5 Thou that Prophet art and King,
Thou the Priest foretold to rise;
Thou the sacrificer art,
Thou too art the sacrifice.
6 Lamb of God, that once was slain,
Bleeding on the painful tree,
Risen and ascended high,
We adore thy majesty.
7 Wonderful art thou in pow'r,
Wonderful art thou in love;
Be thou all our theme below,
Be thou all our Heav'n above?
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #C