11 Supreme in mercy, who shall dare,
With thy compassion to compare;
For Jesus sake thou dost forgive,
And bid the trembling sinner live.
12 Millions of our transgressions past,
Cancell'd behind thy bac are cast;
Thy grace, a sea without a shore,
O'erflows them, and they rise no more.
13 And lest new legions should invade,
And make the pardon'd soul afraid,
Our inbred lusts thou wilt subdue,
And form degen'rate hearts a-new.
14 Thy truth to Jacob shall prevail;
Thy oath to Abram cannot fail;
The hope of saints in ancient days,
Which ages yet unborn shall praise.
Source: The Psalms of David: with hymns and spiritual songs: also, the catechism, confession of faith, and liturgy of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands #H21.III