1 Sunday! sacred day of rest,
Ever welcom'd, ever blest,
Weekly toils and labors done,
Now we greet with joy the sun.
Hark! the music of the bell
Echoes loud thro' copse and dell,
Giving note of 'meeting time,'
Sweet and cheerful is its chime.
2 Now we to the church repair,
And we kneel in worship there,
Looking for the promised love
Of our heav'nly Friend above.
There the 'merciful' are found,
There the 'pure in heart' abound,
There the humble and the meek
Mourn the follies of the week.
3 'Tis the place where age and youth
May resort in search of truth,
Truth, for man's salvation giv'n;
'Tis the pathway, then, to heav'n.
'Two or three,' if gather'd there,
Seeking God in praise or pray'r,
With devoted, pious mind,
Will his blessing ever find.
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #14