1 “Suffer the children to come unto me,
Forbid them not, forbid them not,”
“For of such is the kingdom of heaven,” said He,
Forbid them not, forbid them not.
I am so glad that Jesus said:
“Suffer the children to come;”
I am so glad that Jesus said:
“Of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
2 Jesus shall gather the lambs with his arms,
And carry them, and carry them,
Safely held in his bosom, and free from all harm,
He’ll carry them, he’ll carry them. [Refrain]
3 Shepherd so tender, so loving and strong,
I come to thee, I come to thee,
To be kept by thy power, and saved from the wrong,
I come to thee, I come to thee. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Jewels #123