1 Suffer little children to come unto Me,
Let the children come, let the children come.
For of such the Kingdom of Heaven shall be,
Let the little children come.
Blessed words of Jesus,
Blessed words of Jesus,
Blessed words of Jesus,
Let the little children come.
2 He the lambs will gather and fold in His arms,
Let the children come, let the children come.
Safe from every danger and from all alarms,
Let the little children come.
Blessed words of Jesus,
Blessed words of Jesus,
Blessed words of Jesus,
Let the little children come.
3 Whosoever will, now may come unto Me,
Let the children come, let the children come.
Mercy’s door is open—salvation is free,
Let the little children come.
Blessed words of Jesus,
Blessed words of Jesus,
Blessed words of Jesus,
"Whosoever will, may come."
Source: Gospel Jewels #14