1 Strike your golden lyres,
Sing, celestial choirs,
To the Lamb all praise be given;
With the ransomed throng,
I shall join your song,
When I reach my home in heaven.
Home, sweet home,
Blessed home, sweet home;
Happy home of all the blest,
Where the weary are at rest,
Happy home, sweet home.
2 There no sighs are heard,
There no farewell word,
All my toils and troubles cease;
There no broken ties,
There no tearful eyes,
‘Tis a home of joy and peace. [Refrain]
3 When my course is run,
And the prize is won,
Here I lay my burden down;
In those realms of light,
Far from mortal sight,
I shall find my robe and crown. [Refrain]
Source: The Glad Refrain for the Sunday School: a new collection of songs for worship #48