1 Storm tossed soul on life’s rough, heaving ocean,
Doubts and fears thy bosom fill;
List! above the wild and great commotion,
Jesus speaks the "Peace, be still!"
Peace be still, be still,
Sweet the whisper to thy weary soul,
Peace be still, be still,
For Jesus now will make thee whole.
2 Sin has long in strongest chains enthralled thee,
Captive led at Satan’s will;
Mercy sweetly pleading long has called thee,
But ye hear not, "Peace, be still!" [Refrain]
3 Sin sick soul, just now the Great Physician
Offers balm for every ill;
Bow thy heart in humble, deep contrition,
Lend thine ear to "Peace, be still!" [Refrain]
4 Soon the storms of life will end in glory,
Let this theme thy bosom fill;
When death’s shadow waves are closing o’er thee,
May you hear His "Peace, be still!" [Refrain}
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11851