1 Still are there love-drawn souls today
Who seek the tomb where Jesus lay
And find the stone is rolled away.
2 They peer within the ghostly gloom;
No spiritual lights illume,
They only see the empty tomb.
3 To them no angel forms appear,
No voice is sounding in their ear,
"The Lord is ris’n. He is not here."
4 From piteous eyes the quick tears start,
Then, musing o’er the thievish art
That stole their Lord, they slow depart.
5 They bow bereaved beneath the cross,
They mourn the world’s unmeasured loss,
And hold all heav’nward hope but dross.
6 Oh, foolish hearts and slow of sight,
Who watch and wait in Calvary’s night,
Will ye not see the Easter light?
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16521