1 Step into the fountain,
O sin-burdened heart,
Nor think to grow better,
But plunge as thou art;
Around thou hast waited
While others have come;
Now hasten and venture,
For yet there is room.
Step into the fountain,
The precious cleansing fountain;
Step into the fountain,
’Tis flowing for thee.
2 Step into the fountain,
Thou longest to feel
Its uttermost power
To cleanse and to heal;
Oh! tarry no longer
While mercy is free;
Step into the fountain,
’Tis flowing for thee. [Refrain]
3 Step into the fountain,
What! lingering still?
Canst thou not surrender
To Jesus thy will?
He tenderly calls thee,
Why shouldst thou delay?
Step into the life-giving
Fountain today. [Refrain]
4 Step into the fountain,
Thou needest not fear;
Step boldly, and count not
Thy life to thee dear;
’Tis only to die
Unto self and to sin,
To bury the burdens,
Then dare to step in. [Refrain]
5 Step into the fountain,
The hours fly apace;
Then waste thou no longer
These moments of grace;
Just now let its cleansing
Wave over thee roll,
And thou shalt find gladness
And rest for thy soul. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9099