1 Steeple bells are ringing,
Joy their tones are bringing;
For they say: “Come away
On this Sabbath day.”
Their command fulfilling,
We with hearts so wiling,
Not delaying,
But obeying,
Meet to sing and pray.
2 In this hour of meeting,
Songs of joyful greeting,
Words of cheer, sweet and clear,
Welcome one and all.
And the sad and lonely
Learn that Jesus only
Waits to hear them,
He is near them,
And will hear their call.
3 Hope and faith grow brighter,
Heavy hearts grow lighter;
While we sing, cares take wing
On this holy day.
Steeple bells are calling,
Showers of love are falling;
Christ is pleading:
Are you heeding?
Will you come today?
Source: Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school #47