1 Stay with me, O loving Saviour,
I am sinful and depressed;
Keep me in Thine arms so tender,
Let me on Thy bosom rest.
Stay with me, stay with me,
God of glory, God of love,
Guide my erring feet, I pray Thee,
To Thy heav’nly home above.
2 Stay with me, O loving Saviour,
Thro’ this busy world of care;
Guide my weary footsteps ever
On Thy earth below so fair. [Chorus]
3 Stay with me, O blessed Jesus,
Precious is Thy name to me;
Thou art tender, kind and gracious,
To Thy loving arms I flee. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #300a