1 Starting forth on life’s rough way,
Father, guide them;
Oh! we know not what of harm
May betide them;
’Neath the shadow of Thy wing,
Father, hide them;
Waking, sleeping, Lord, we pray,
Go beside them.
2 When in prayer they cry to Thee,
Thou wilt hear them;
From the stains of sin and shame
Thou wilt clear them;
’Mid the quicksands and the rock,
Thou wilt steer them;
In temptation, trial, grief,
Be Thou near them.
3 Unto Thee we give them up—
Lord, receive them;
In the world we know must be
Much to grieve them—
Many striving oft and strong
To deceive them;
Trustful, in Thy hands of love
We must leave them.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13822