1 Spread wide the Maker's name around,
Your breath in praise employ
Till heav'n shall echo back the sound
In songs of holy joy.
Ye nations, bend! In rev'rence bend,
Ye monarchs! Wait his nod
And bid the choral song ascend
To celebrate our God!
Spread wide his name!
His praise repeat!
And bid the choral song ascend
To celebrate our God
2 His voice sublime is heard afar,
In distant peals it dies;
He yokes the whirlwind to his car
And sweeps the howling skies.
Rebel, ye waves, and o'er the land
With threat'ning aspect roar;
The Lord uplifts his mighty hand
And chains you to the shore. [Chorus]
3 Howl, winds of night! Your force combine:
Without his high behest
Ye shall not in the mountain pine
Disturb the sparrow's nest.
The Lord our God is clothed in might,
The winds obey his will;
He speaks and, in his heav'nly height,
The rolling sun stands still. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #58