1 Spirit of Jesus,
Come, dwell within us,
Fill in full measure
Our hearts with love;
Be ever near us,
Lead, gently lead us,
So that life’s treasure
Shall be above.
2 As ev’ry sunbeam,
Falling from heaven,
Fills, with sweet radiance,
Each gentle flow’r;
So ev’ry heart-beat,
Filled with Thy Spirit,
Lights up each moment
With God’s own pow’r.
3 Daylight, tho’ fading,
Sends back its greeting,
While swiftly gliding
Into the west;
So may Thy Spirit
Come with its blessings,
Ere life’s endeavors
Find perfect rest.
4 Comfort the friendless,
Lift up the fallen;
Light ev’ry pathway
With sacred fire;
Ever before us
Keep truth still glorious,
Guiding to vict’ry
Each pure desire.
Source: Consecrated Hymns #70