1 Speed the Gospel army, thro’ the earth abroad,
Marching forth to conquer by the Word of God!
Glad in Christian armor, fearing not the foe,
Songs of faith and courage, singing as they go.
Speed the Gospel army thro’ the earth abroad,
Marching on to conquer by the Word of God!
2 When the hosts of Satan in their rage assail,
Tho’ their name be legion, they shall ne’er prevail.
God will give the victory; none can suffer loss
’Neath the glorious banner of the blood stained cross! [Refrain]
3 On, then, gallant soldiers! and, whate’er betide,
This shall be your watchword, Christ the crucified!
Standing by your colors, faithful unto death,
Shout the name Emmanuel! with your latest breath. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8064