1 Speak ever gently, lest some word
That you might think was scarcely heard,
Some tender heart should deeply grieve,
And memories of anguish leave.
Speak gently, speak gently,
Our Lord was always kind;
Speak gently, speak gently,
If you would mercy find.
2 If friends or school mates wander far
From God, from truth, and from the right,
Let love alone shine as the star
That leads them back into the light. [Chorus]
3 God only knows how many hearts
Harsh words have crushed with grief and pain;
How oft the tears of anguish starts
For broken life, for wearied brain. [Chorus]
4 Oh, then be merciful to all!
Be loving, tender, kind, and true:
Lift up sad hearts from grief's dark thrall,
'Tis thus that you Christ's work may do. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #51