1 Sowing the seed when the day has begun,
Sowing the seed in the noonday sun;
Sowing the seed till the day is all done,
What will the harvest be?
Sowing in time for eternity,
Sowing in time for eternity,
What will the harvest be? what will it be?
What will the harvest be?
2 Sowing the seed by the wayside so dry,
Sowing the seed where the hard rocks lie,
Sowing the seed where the thorns grow so high,
What will the harvest be? [Chorus]
3 Sowing the seed of the heavenly grain,
Sowing the seed in sorrow and pain;
What at the judgment will be the gain?
What will the harvest be? [Chorus]
4 Sowing the good seed upon the good ground,
Sowing where tears of contrition are found;
Sowing where faith, hope and love will abound,
Souls will the harvest be. [Chorus]
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #98