1. Sow flowers, and flowers will blossom
Around you wherever you go;
Sow weeds, and of weeds reap the harvest,
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow.
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow,
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow,
The harvest is certainly coming,
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow.
2. Sow blessings, and blessings will ripen,
Sow hatred, and hatred will grow;
Sow mercy and reap sweet compassion,
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow. [Refrain]
3. Sow love, and its sweetness uprising
Shall fill all your heart with its glow;
Sow hope, and receive its fruition,
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow. [Refrain]
4. In faith sow the word of the Master,
A blessing He’ll surely bestow;
And souls shine like stars for your crowning,
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow. [Refrain]
5. Preach Christ in His wonderful fullness,
That all His salvation may know;
Reap life thro’ the ages eternal,
You’ll reap whatsoever you sow. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7798