1 Sound the trumpet, loud and long,
The temple gates fling wide,
Lo! he comes, the Great, the Strong,
In Zion to abide.
Not as in the former days
A man of sorrows he,
Nations join to give him praise,
And blow th’adoring knee.
2 Blow the trumpet’s joyful blast,
Return, ye wanderers, home;
Your oppressor’s power is past,
The Jubilee is come;
David’s Son and Lord shall reign,
His throne secure shall be;
Speed the news o’er land and main,
His people all are free.
3 Blow the trumpet, shout and sing,
Let all the vales rejoice,
Let the hills and mountains ring,
And utter forth their voice;
Zion’s bulwarks firmly stand,
Her walls in beauty shine;
Strong her great Deliverer’s hand,
His majesty divine.
Source: Showers of Blessing #6