I. Soul, what Returns has thy Creator
For all he gives, and all thou hast?]
What is in all thy needy Nature,
That can delight his holy Breast?
The best of Off'rings he requires,
Is thy whole Heart with its Desires.
II. Give God his own, if thou'lt be giving:
Say, Lord, who best deserves my Heart?
Can Belsebub, who hates the living,
Or any Creature claim a Part?
No, God, to Thee I all assign,
My Body, Soul, and all that's mine.
III. Accept, O Lord, what thou requirest,
The first Fruits of my Heart; that Store
That Off'ring thou so much admirest,
And paidst, oh! paidst so dearly for.
To Thee, my God, I now resign
My Heart, to be for ever thine.
IV. Where can my Heart be best improved,
But with Thee, Lord, who gav'st me Breath?
Thee can I call my best Beloved,
For Thou hast lov'd me unto Death;
My Heart with Thine from hence shall be
One Heart to all Eternity.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #131