1 Soon will the heavenly Bridegroom come;
Ye wedding-guests, draw near,And slumber not in sin when He,
The Son of God, is here.
With lamps alight and oil in store,
let every guest advance,
Nor shrink ashamed in trembling awe
From His bright countenance.
2 Come, let us haste to meet our Lord,
And hail Him with delight,
Who saved us by His precious blood
And sorrows infinite:
Beside Him all the patriarchs old
And holy prophets stand,
The glorious apostolic choir,
The noble martyr-band.
3 As brethren dear they welcome us,
And lead us to the throne,
Where angels bow their veiléd heads
Before the Three in One,
Where we, with all the saints of Christ,
A white-robed multitude,
Shall praise the ascended Lord, who deigns
To wear our flesh and blood.
4 His gracious hand will ope for us
The gates of paradise,
And spread the glories of His heaven
Before our dazzled eyes:
Our lot will be for aye to share
His reign of peace above,
And drink with unexhausted joy
The river of His love.
Source: The Lutheran Hymnary #511