1 Soon we'll see the golden city,
Soon we'll hear the angels sing,
And the harps attuned by seraphs,
Loud will make the heavens ring.
We will walk thro' the streets of the city,
With the friends we have lov'd by our side,
We shall sit by the banks of the river,
In that land we shall ever abide.
2 Blessed city, home of angels,
With its streets all paved with gold,
Pearly gates and living fountains,
Where the pleasures ne'er grow old. [Chorus]
3 Jesus' glory ever shining,
Trees of life in grandeur stand,
Clouds of love with silver lining,
In that happy Eden land. [Chorus]
4 Friends and kindred who have loved us,
Hearts that often beat as one,
There shall join the glorious number,
And shall sing around the throne. [Chorus]
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #51