1 Soon there’ll be a glorious morning,
Breaking on the mountains high;
Hallelujah! He is coming!
Will resound along the sky;
All the saints asleep in Jesus,
To a meeting God will bring,
And the living will be caught up,
In the air to meet the King.
When we meet our Lord and King,
Hallelujahs we will sing;
It will be a joyful meeting,
When we meet our Lord and King.
2 Then the Lord on clouds descending,
With a shout will rend the skies;
At the calling of the trumpet,
First the dead in Christ will rise;
With a shout of acclamation
That will make the arches ring,
Every living soul shall praise Him,
When we meet the Lord and King. [Refrain]
3 All the faithful will be present
At this meeting in the air;
All the humble, all the holy,
Will rejoice together there;
Jubilant and wondrous music
Will the choir celestial sing;
Heav’n and earth be full of glory,
When we meet the Lord and King. [Refrain]
4 God alone the set time knoweth
Of this day-dawn calm and bright;
Therefore be ye also ready,
All ye children of the light;
He is coming! Day is breaking!
Let the shout of welcome ring;
Let your songs be loud and joyful—
Soon we’ll meet our Lord and King. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14999