1 Soon I shall stand at the brink of the river;
Soon shall my feet touch its waters so cold;
But Jesus will tenderly carry me over,
Into that city, the city of gold.
O that fair city,
Wonderful city,
Why need I fear tho’ the waters be cold?
For Jesus is waiting to carry me over,
Into that city, the city of gold.
2 Soon I shall bid a farewell to the dear ones,
Those whom I love with affection untold,
For Jesus has called me to enter a mansion
In that fair city, the city of gold. [Refrain]
3 Soon I shall meet with the friends gone before me,
Soon the dear faces I’ve longed to behold,
Are watching, and waiting to give me a welcome,
To that fair city, the city of gold. [Refrain]
4 I am unworthy to stand in his presence,
Once a poor wanderer far from the fold,
But Jesus has saved me and now I’ve a passport
To that fair city, the city of gold. [Refrain]
5 O ‘twill be rapture to dwell there forever,
Where joys never end, where are pleasures untold,
And evermore praise him, my dear loving Saviour,
In that fair city, the city of gold. [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song Number Two #42