1 Sometimes the day seems long and drear,
The clouds of sorrow hover near,
And joy seems dead and pleasure gone;
But still I hope and journey on.
The Savior softly whispers,
“I will ever be your guide,”
Though paths are dark and dreary,
I will journey by your side;”
Trust him with trust unfailing,
Be strong, his strength availing,
Press on, o’er wrong prevailing,
To the home above.
2 Sometimes the light is low and dim,
And looming there are shadows grim,
The pathway leads by darkened ways;
But still I love through all the days. [Refrain]
3 Sometimes it seems so cold and far,
The distant, twinkling, gleaming star,
With naught of kindness in its glow;
But still I work and onward go. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #99