1 Sometime the storms of life will cease,
And I shall be at rest and peace;
And then I’ll see my Saviour King,
And with redeemed ones I shall sing.
I’m safe at last, yes safe at last,
And all my earthly sorrows past,
Tho’ storms may roll, from pole to pole,
I’m safe at last, I’m safe at last.
2 Sometime this earthly house will fall,
But that will matter not at all,
For there’s a home prepared for me,
Where I shall sing eternally. [Refrain]
3 Tho’ dark this world may be to me,
And oft my path I cannot see,
Yet there is light beyond the main,
And there I’ll sing this glad refrain: [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Praise and Power 1-2-3 Combined #36