1 Someone is near to the kingdom today,
Someone is almost persuaded to pray;
Someone now longs for the heavenly way,
Is it you? Is it you? Is it you? Is it you?
Are you willing God’s Son to receive?
Is it you? Is it you?
Are you ready just now to believe?
2 Someone is longing for peace thro’ the blood,
Almost decided to yield to the Lord;
Someone is moved by the message of God, [Refrain]
3 Someone now burdened with sin and distressed,
Earnestly longs for salvation and rest;
Someone thro’ Jesus just now will be blest, [Refrain]
4 Someone will spurn the sweet message of God,
Someone will turn from the Savior and Lord,
Someone to judgment will go unprepared. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14512