1 Someone beheld me a soul lost in sin,
Came to my rescue, and I was forgiv’n;
Someone who knew all the beauties of heav ‘n—
Someone who loves me—‘tis Jesus.
Someone whose love is far better than gold,
Someone whose love ne’er can fully be told;
Down thro’ the ages the message has roll’d,
“Somebody loves me”—‘tis Jesus.
2 Someone, tho’ weary and heartsick, one day
Plead with the Father man’s sentence to stay;
Someone who died my redemption to pay—
Someone who loves me—‘tis Jesus. [Refrain]
3 Someone is guarding my footsteps today,
Tenderly watching lest I go astray;
Someone who’s guiding me over life’s way—
Someone who loves me—‘tis Jesus. [Refrain]
4 Someone is keeping a crown I shall wear
When I thro’ grace, heav’nly mansions shall share;
Someone who knows how I long to be there—
Someone who loves me—‘tis Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Praise and Power 1-2-3 Combined #182