1 Soldiers who to Christ belong,
Trust ye in His word, be strong;
For His promises are sure,
His rewards for aye endure.
2 His no crowns that pass away,
His no palm that sees decay,
His the joy that shall not fade,
His the light that knows no shade;
3 His the home for spirits blest,
Where He gives them peaceful rest,
Far above the starry skies,
In the bliss of Paradise.
4 Here on earth ye can but clasp
Things that perish in the grasp;
Lift your hearts, then, to the skies;
God Himself shall be your prize.
5 Praise we now with saints at rest
Father, Son, and Spirit blest;
For His promises are sure,
His rewards shall aye endure.
The Hymnal: Published by the authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., 1895