1 Soldiers, who are Christ's below,
strong in faith resist the foe:
boundless is the pledged reward
unto them who serve the Lord.
2 For the souls that overcome
waits the beauteous heavenly home,
where the blessed evermore
tread on high the starry floor.
3 'Tis no palm of fading leaves
that the conqueror's hand receives;
joys are there, serene and pure,
light that ever shall endure.
4 Passing soon and little worth
are the things that tempt on earth;
heavenward lift thy soul's regard:
God himself is thy reward.
5 Father, who the crown dost give,
Saviour, by whose death we live,
Spirit, who our hearts dost raise,
Three in One, thy name we praise.
Source: Ancient and Modern: hymns and songs for refreshing worship #309
First Line: | Soldiers, who are Christ's below |
Latin Title: | Pugnate, Christi milites |
Translator: | J. H. Clark (1868) |
Source: | Latin, 1736 |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |